Star Trek: Voyager: Message in a Bottle (1998)
Season 4, Episode 14
A fun episode!
21 February 2015 about a strange but funny episode! This one is worth seeing and different. It begins with Seven of Nine discovering a communications array. Her thoughts are that it could be used to possibly communicate with the Alpha Quadrant by sending the Doctor to a Federation ship. The problem is that the USS Prometheus turns out to be a ship that was hijacked by Romulans and the entire Federation crew is soon dead. So the Doctor decides that it's up to him and this ships holo doctor (Andy Dick) to save the day by retaking the ship. The problem is that neither of them know how to fly a ship and the other holo doctor is a Dick.

This was an awful lot of fun from start to finish--and I usually like the Doctor when he goes off on missions. The dialog between him and the other holo doctor was also priceless. All in all, a highly imaginative and interesting story from start to finish.

By the way, if you'd like more information about why we don't see Mr. Dick on TV so often these days, try reading through his life story on Wikipedia. It makes for bizarre, disturbing and weird reading!
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