Tales from the Crypt: Spoiled (1991)
Season 3, Episode 13
"You lose your head in romance!"
27 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
From the horrifically brutal to the incomprehensibly bizarre, there were many kinds of stories that the Crypt had to offer, with lots of them - particularly in the completely worthless season 7 - being a hell of a lot harder to stomach than this tale of steamy romantic bliss which ends up turning into a sci-fi nightmare... I never had anything against it, I dig all the over-the-top sexual innuendo and suggestive puns, I find it pretty hilarious, the wordplay is spoken with just the right amount of knowing humour without it coming off as obnoxious. I also enjoy the misleading moments where it'll make you think that something raunchy is going on but it's only something commonplace like her doing aerobics, and I like the whole spoofing of cheesy soap operas and it kinda feels at the same time like the show's poking a little gentle fun and its own frequently tongue-in-cheek style and self- parodying, which is something that I think is done slightly better here than in some of the other more lighthearted comedy episodes that they did, and if you try to watch this bearing all that in mind it's a lot more enjoyable. It's so charmingly ridiculous, the scenes are like classic porn scenarios! The late Mrs. Morris was kooky and sweet and brought a lot of lightness to her scenes, and Anthony Lapaglia was one sexy dude as a repairman named Abel with a cable that he knew what to do with! And Alan Rachins was very low-key and in the background mostly but he certainly gets larger-than-life when it counts.. "Spoiled" isn't really about any kind of horror, and there's no gore to speak of either, but there is a rather ghoulish closing scene which is strongly reminiscent of the one from Frankenhooker, and in my opinion it doesn't work out any better than in that movie. To me the moment comes off as a bit awkward and laughably silly more than anything else.. I mean Alan Rachins does do a great job of selling the scene as his character totally goes benzooey after discovering his wife's infidelity, and his insane laugh is just perfect, but I just think the moment falls a little short of its mark and doesn't work out as well as it could have. And the special effect looks really bad too, you can easily see how it was done, it sticks out like a sore thumb.. I blame the wife more than the husband. Sure he may have neglected her because of his research, but only a complete airhead moron would want her life to be just like some vapid soap opera! So in closing it's very campy goofy and dumb and definitely not one of the better episodes horror-wise, but I still find it a lot of lovably-schlocky fun. Some will be left on a high note, while others will be left confused by a romance that's matched only by its weirdness. Good one, Mr.Cotton Tail.
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