.... But The FDA Says Amalgam's OK!
4 March 2015
If you happen to have amalgam fillings (which contain mercury) in your teeth, then this insightful documentary's dire message about heavy-metal poisoning is sure to cause you some serious concern and alarm.

To say that mercury's toxicity to humans is pandemic would truly be an understatement. And the fact that the medical industry (for decades) has continued to push the concern about mercury's potential harm aside is a damning statement about the ultimate power of the almighty dollar.

Through interviews with victims of mercury-poisoning, as well as insights from enlightened dentists, and educated environmentalists, the viewer soon learns a very shocking, real-life story about mercury and its poisonous effects that year-after-year affects the health (both physical & mental) of millions of unsuspecting sufferers from coast to coast, and beyond.

Competently directed by Elizabeth Hong, Mercury Undercover is certainly an eye-opening documentary that I highly recommend. I guarantee that it will hold your rapt attention for its full 70-minute running time.
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