ER: Be Still My Heart (2000)
Season 6, Episode 13
Be Still My Heart (#6.13)
6 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really excellent episode, what a roller coaster! We have some great and positive moments, some very sad ones and some actually horrible.

Let start with the positive ones. Dr. Romano grows more and more on me, and him caring about his dog more than about human patients makes me like him even more. And the dinner Elizabeth and Mark had with their parents was actually pretty positive and a fun experience, especially watching the two of them sing.

Lots of the usual sad moments, as Abby noticed ER is different from OB, people die here. In this episode they came with a pretty sad idea when both parents of two kids die in the car accident. The boy going to see his dead parents was pretty sad. As well as the doctors telling them what happened...The words written for the adults don't seem to be right for the kids to be told their parents are dead.

And the ending was absolutely gripping. Can't wait to see what happens now. It is like part of a horror movie with a psycho who stabs both Carter and Lucy.
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