A Must See Documentary
16 March 2015
Wow, I just saw this movie in Bristol at the theatre. I was stunned and couldn't really move for a moment. The film confronted me with humanity's dilemma in terms of climate change. The film went far beyond the facts of climate change but delved into the issues how come we as humans can't change our behaviour in the face of the evidence that our collective behaviour is creating; a difficult environment for future generations. It felt like looking into a mirror and being confronted with a truth that you have avoided to hear for a long time. The film is stunningly filmed and all the scientists are first rate and well known in the world of science. it was also a relief that no political agenda was a represented. We were skillfully confronted with a part of our human nature and behaviour that needs to change if we want to leave a planet for our children and grand children behind that they can enjoy.
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