16 March 2015
I went looking for something about what Kurt Vonegut himself must have thought of this film adaption of his novel Slapstick. I could find nothing attributable to him, but I sure found plenty of people who thought this film was horrid. I have to say I agree.

If someone like Steven Spielberg had made Slapstick it probably would have turned out something like Close Encounters Of The Third Kind or Cocoon. It should have been a fantasy like those two films. But someone possibly Jerry Lewis saw the title and was taken with it. And we got a slapstick version of Slapstick.

Jerry Lewis and Madeline Kahn play a wealthy married couple who have fathered a pair of grotesque looking boy and girl twins also played by Lewis and Kahn. They're not human, these the product of alien seed put into Kahn by some far superior alien race in the hopes of saving the planet. Previously they've tried with two other twins in China which has now progressed technically far beyond the rest of the planet. But they're taking selfish advantage. Time to even the odds.

The Chinese under the leadership of Premier Pat Morita have solved their population explosion and in turn all the problems that has brought with it. Wait till you see how they did it. President Jim Backus of the USA wants to do the same thing for America. Can Jerry Lewis and Madeline Kahn be the answer?

The secret is that together they're at an intelligence level light years beyond anyone human even Stephen Hawking. Apart they're some of Mack Sennett's best comedians for real. Useless apart and together they can outsmart the world, what to do?

Maybe some day someone will do this novel over again in the proper genre.
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