Mimic (1997)
Director's Cut Review
17 March 2015
I first saw this film when I was around 12. I enjoyed it but didn't really remember any of it apart from how creepy the Judas Breed was. Now 27 and being a huge Del Toro fan I decided to rewatch this and when I heard how Del Toro had disowned this movie because of studio meddling but had now released a director's cut that he was happy with, I had to check it out.

I still enjoyed it and thought the first half of the film was fantastic, dark, creepy atmosphere with a great premise but to me once the whole cast descend into the tunnels the films goes a bit downhill.It becomes too typical Hollywood monster action movie and we see way too much of the Judas Breed which loses its creep factor it had in the first half. The ending as well is too Hollywood for a Del Toro film.

The director's cut adds in a few more scenes which explains things a little more but don't improve the movie much at all, so if you hated the theatrical cut you wont like this version much more.

Overall it's an enjoyable film and if you're a Del Toro fan or monster movie fan check it out just know its not one of his best but had lots of potential. If he had made it nowadays it could have been great.

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