16 March 2015
I saw this film with a group at a sneak peek recently and could not stop thinking about it. Luckily, one of the participants, Bruce Hood was on hand to extrapolate on some of the concepts covered in this film. We're really not aware of our actions as they relate to generations into the future.

For the first time I understand why the tremendous debt countries have taken on pose such a problem and as one speaker so eloquently put it - when we take on debt we are promising to pay it back with future energy! No wonder we are constantly grabbing for resources.

The thread using the cultural concept prevalent in ancient Hawaii that 'we're all in the same canoe' also hit home. We are so inter-related and inter-dependent and we're running out of space and resources to exploit and yet we behave as if we have an un-ending vast frontier left.

The ocean section was truly shocking.

Recommended viewing for discussion in schools.
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