Agent Carter: A Sin to Err (2015)
Season 1, Episode 6
Didn't think they could pull this off..
18 March 2015
Your humble scribe is a purist, which means that I don't check the Neilsons or the Social Media before doing a review.

That said, I don't know how this show is doing rating-wise. Initially I thought it would be a tough sell. Much of the fun of the show is the "nostalgia" but by definition nostalgia is only fun if you actually remember it. (Trekkies will spot the logic-loop in that) In fact, I do. I remember the songs and the AutoMat and the cars and that puts me in the target demographic.

Do younger people get the show? I wonder. I will say that they have done just about everything they could possibly do to keep true to their vision. Somebody really thought this out.

This show is fairly unique and has NOTHING in common, production wise, with SHIELD, or POI, or Banshee or Justified or even for that matter SUITS.

It is in a class of one. Props.

Hayley Atwell remains a gem. She is not only the star but the "glue." Every series has a "glue" that holds the attention of the viewer and provides point of view. Take away the glue and interest wanes. The glue and the star are not always one and the same, but when it happens it's magic. (Which by coincidence is one of the songs of the era) As I said in my other reviews, Marvel remains an internally conflicted company, all sweetness and superhero-y on the outside, but inside driven by an insatiable lust to monetize ever character, sub-character and sub-sub-character in the Archive. One day there will be a show about Spiderman's periodontist.

But as for the here and now-- Love the show. Hope it lasts.
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