This movie has limited appeal
22 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Four divers in a breakaway diving bell end up in a vast series of caverns. They explore their environment trying to find a way to the surface, but their path is blocked by an underground volcano. It is this cavern-world with its many stalactites and stalagmites that give this movie it's name.

John Carradine is the scientist who's diving bell has failed. He realizes his mistake and makes a deal with his chief rival who is using a diving bell patterned after the first: he will correct his rival's design in exchange for using the bell at the first bell's location.

This movie is weak, but not as bad as many reviewers have stated. There is little action, and the dialog is lacking. There is some suspense, however, as the four trapped people wind their way through the caverns. In addition, the caverns themselves provide a beautiful backdrop to this film.

The flaws in the movie tip the scale to the turkey side. Carradine's character explains that the water pressure at the depth where the diving bell comes to rest will crush the divers, yet they inexplicably survive. The story explaining the hermit's presence faces the same problem.

If you're a fan of John Carradine or Phyllis Coates, or if you enjoy movies set in underground caverns, you might enjoy this film. There is little appeal for anyone else.
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