Review of Lucky Them

Lucky Them (2013)
This is a gem of a movie
29 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this movie by recording it off of one of the pay channels. Like many movies I had little expectation for the quality of this movie; however, the cast had me hoping and I was not disappointed. I found this movie to be very moving and bitter sweet. It is a movie that requires a viewer to have lived life to some degree, and have experienced some moments lost to the years that creep into memories now and again. This movie evoked similar feelings within me. A challenge that is not easily accomplished anymore.

Though a buddy movie in the typical sense, this movie is about Toni Collette looking back on her life to discover she is living the same relationship again and again.

I do recommend this movie for others, especially those that might have some "I wonder moments" in their lives.
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