Garnet's Gold (2014)
A beautifully painted portrait of a man's search for himself.
20 March 2015
I caught this while channel hopping under it's alternative title 'The Lost Gold of the Highlands'and gave it a go expecting a history documentary...and wasn't prepared for what I got instead. From the opening few moments you fully buy into the story of Garnet, an ageing man who has never let go of a dream that has fixated him since a near death experience twenty years previously. His search for his gold is as much a search for his place in life, a yardstick to measure his own worth and his success as a man and as a human. The intimacy achieved by the filmmakers gets closer than ever and is matched only by Garnet's openness and conspires to construct a warts and all portrait that is at once about the man, and about everybody in the same breath. The cinematography and editing make this visually stunning as shots switch from extreme close up, to the wide open vistas of the Scottish Highlands. I have never seen anything quite like this, and may wait a long time until I do. Seek it out.
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