Review of Conquer

The Walking Dead: Conquer (2015)
Season 5, Episode 16
Lesson Learned
30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This extended season finale of The Walking Dead truly delivered. Those extra twenty minutes were able to make such a difference by adding a lot more to the story, allowing the episode to wholeheartedly deliver on all fronts.

We had a blast from the past with Morgan, conflicts were resolved in Alexandria which had been building up for the past few episodes, and we were given a glimpse into what season six has to offer. Could we have asked for a better season finale?

Admittedly, the episode does start off slowly. But - like Rick - we were confused as to where things would stand after the previous episode's final seconds (in which Rick was knocked unconscious by Michonne), so to immediately drop us into the action would have been too overwhelming.

The original group of our survivors all reconvene and discuss what happened and what their plans are for the evening, in which Deanna plans to have a discussion about the future of Alexandria and who will be inside its walls. We're a little hesitant with Michonne and Glenn, as they still seem to be all aboard the Alexandria bandwagon. Carol feels this way too since - after they've all left - she and Rick have their own private meeting.

Side note: isn't Carol just *such* a badass now? Honestly, the bond which she and Rick have is simply unbreakable. After this season premiere's reintroduction of Carol into the group, she's clearly regained Rick's trust and as a result they have grown closer than ever before. Look at how she dealt with the abusive and cowardly surgeon: despite being a foot shorter, at least fifty pounds lighter, and overall significantly weaker, she does not hesitate to stand up to him and put him in his place. She's so fearless that she even has the nerve to tell him to clean the dish and return it to her after he's done with it! Go Carol! She's come a long way from the first season and seeing her act like this was simply inspiring.

Daryl and Aaron run into a trap set by our future foes from season six. They have been trying to recruit new people for Alexandria with no luck, and the trap only emphasises this further. Just like Carol and Rick, Daryl and Aaron also have a strong bond. When Daryl says he'll distract the Walkers to allow Aaron to escape, Aaron refuses, and they agree to do it together. But before they can, Morgan saves the day and comes to their rescue.

Glenn got some form of vengeance with Nicholas as he brings him to tears at gunpoint. Why didn't Glenn pull the trigger? After all, Nicholas did shoot him! It's not like he doesn't deserve it, and he most certainly won't change his ways.

Father Gabriel. This guy is turning out to be a nuisance. Repeatedly this episode I found myself utterly furious at his actions: strolling out to get eaten by Walkers and then crying when he couldn't let himself be taken so easily, negligently (or more likely deliberately) leaving the gate open, and trying to manipulate Sasha into killing him because he's too cowardly to do it himself. And this guy has the nerve to wear a white shirt - connoting innocence! He is most definitely not innocent; he has sinned just as much as any of our survivors.

Before the big discussion, Michonne makes her decision clear: she's sticking with the original group of survivors. If they can get the people of Alexandria to cooperate, that's fantastic, but she's not prepared to lose anyone for their sake. And in this sense, Father Gabriel was right to complain to Deanna and warn her. Despite his cowardice, he is very insightful.

That being said, in the post-credits scene Michonne is seen wearing her constable uniform of Alexandria, yet she also chooses to carry her Katana rather than shelve it again. This indicates that she has adapted into a survivor/Alexandria resident. She's a hybrid in the sense that she's committed to both Alexandria and the survivors. She now sees both of these roles encompassed into one.

As Rick bursts into the evening meeting covered in blood after having dealt with Father Gabriel's mess, he is able to captivate the people of Alexandria and continue where he left off in one final plea to convince them to trust him. As it turns out, the one person that needed to die in order for Deanna to trust Rick was the one she cared for most: her husband. As the surgeon - Pete - slits her husbands throat, Deanna gives Rick the all clear:

"Do it, Rick."

And that's that. Trust is earned. Lesson learned.

We are at an interesting point now; I predicted that it would all fall apart and end in a bloodbath like Woodbury did, yet the opposite has happened. Obviously, the "Wolves" will be coming next season, but I'm glad we're going to have some form of stability for the next season premiere as our survivors won't be leaving another ruined town behind as they head out on the road again. We know to expect more Morgan, more Wolves, and more Walkers. All I can say is:

Bring. It. On.
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