A poor TV movie at best
4 April 2015
Having read some of the recent reviews praising this film I thought I was onto a sure fire winner when walking into the movie theatre.

Seeing as this was Crowe's directorial debut I was hoping that he was going to pull it off and provide a real cinematic belter.

However I was sorely mistaken..

The first 10 minutes didn't disappoint and I'm including the credits. But as Mr Crowe travels to Istanbul on his little adventure it drastically takes a turn for the worse. The acting from then on in from all parties is woeful and the supposed love story is completely pathetic and unbelievable.

I'm not going to go on and on but someone seriously needs to tell Crowe that being in every scene of the film doesn't really help people to warm to him.

But please people save your hard earned cash and waiting till it comes out on telly. There are far far far better films out in the cinema at the moment.
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