Review of Marco

Better Call Saul: Marco (2015)
Season 1, Episode 10
Ten hours of near perfect television in the first season of Better Call Saul.
7 April 2015
Gilligan and Gould do it again!

Well, the first season of Better Call Saul has come to a conclusion. It feels like just yesterday was ten weeks ago when I was eagerly anticipating the two night series premiere that awaited me and millions of other Breaking Bad fans, as well as people who didn't watch BB. Two and a half months have passed in a split second.

This episode, directed by one of the main men Peter Gould, was almost definitely my favourite installment of this excellent series so far. And I think I've said this before in one of my other BCS episode reviews, but just because I don't give it a 10/10 stars rating, doesn't mean it isn't a damn near perfect episode. For example, Breaking Bad was one of the best shows I've ever watched but I only gave a 10/10 rating for one of them, and it was the finale.

Nearly everything was spot on in 'Marco.' The cinematography was stunning as usual, which you can only expect from the team that brought you BB. Screenplay - as usual - top notch. The music was first-rate as always, from the original score to 'Smoke on the Water' playing near the end, all the pieces were placed in the episode at the exact right time to perfection. One of the best thing about 'Marco' was the acting. Some of the best performances I've seen from the main cast were displayed today, as well as outstanding performances from not-so-regular cast members. Everyone represented their characters wonderfully and portrayed the personalities of them extremely well

So, thanks Gilligan, Gould and the crew for filling the Breaking Bad hole that has been left unoccupied for the last year-and-a-bit. You sent off the show for the first season stunningly with a great cliffhanger, and I - as well as millions of other fans - will be awaiting season 2 eagerly, and we will likely not be disappointed when it finally arrives.

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