Review of Pod People

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Pod People (1991)
Season 4, Episode 3
Nothing can save this film
4 April 2015
I love MST3K, i cannot speak highly enough about it, but not even Joel and the bots can save Pod People. It stinks, everything about this film is atrocious, there is no saving grace whatsoever. I have the DVD and every couple f months attempt to sit down and watch it all the way to the end, I've had the disk for over ten years, not made it once without giving up in disgust or falling asleep. As one is supposed to give hints of impending spoilers here is the warning, this film stinks, this film is awful, even with the MST3K treatment this films stinks, do anything you need to do in order to avoid this film, it is that bad, you will regret the time lost watching it. Seriously if you're faced with cleaning out a blocked drain in a downpour while being attacked by aggrieved weasels and being abused by your mother in law while you get on with clearing the obstruction, then believe me the drain blockage, the weasels, and that woman have nothing on the misery and pointlessness of this film.
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