Review of Steak

Steak (2007)
A Different and Original Comedy
9 April 2015
I watched Steak and thought it was pretty stupid, but then I found myself laughing at some of the scenes a couple of days afterwards. I immediately saw the movie again (it's on YouTube) and credit where it's due, this is a funny and original film.

The 'gang' is just too funny, they're bad but in the most clean-cut way. Eric Judor is excellent playing a very convincing simpleton who tries to impress his peers.

Steak is not for everyone, but if Airplane and Caddyshack make you laugh then this movie probably will too. It's not often you can say that a movie is uniquely funny, but Steak is. The French Canadian element makes it a bit different and all those American college movies are parodied brilliantly.

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