John Wick (2014)
John Wick, the name that's uttered a billion times. For lovers of action, creative subtitles & Keanu Reeves
12 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
John Wick [2014] is the action/thriller (directed by Chad Stahelski) about the aforementioned retired hit man (played by Keanu Reeves) returning back to the underbelly, after a bunch of well-connected punks decide to mess with the wrong guy on the wrong day, steal his car and do something else unmentionable.

Whoa, Keanu. Vengeful returns usually end ugly with blood spilling all over the place. John Wick is no different, with revenge as the cornerstone. The director/s (and/or Lionsgate) knows you want an action (franchise?) film, so there's a crap tonne of action that seems to seamlessly end and begin with gusto.

Cool subtitles. Colorful, unique and enhanced the viewing experience without ruining the momentum of the fight scenes.

Everything is shallow. Who is John Wick besides a mourning expert super assassin with a quench for vengeance? But more importantly, why is Ryan O'Reilly (Dean Winters) from the superb TV show Oz even doing there? I still don't know.

Shallow? Pfft, who cares? It's better this way. You see, bad-guys and assassins like to hang together in their own bars and hotels away from the general population. When Wick goes back into the assassin world leaving the 'real' one behind, this separation of the two worlds permits us to be entirely immersed in John Wicks murderous mission. Better to avoid pesky thoughts of the potential for innocent bystanders.
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