Review of Chapter 32

House of Cards: Chapter 32 (2015)
Season 3, Episode 6
A huge disappointment
14 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 seems to be plodding along at best, but this episode took the biscuit. Claire's behavior makes no sense. Supposedly a strong (unscrupulous) woman with high political ambitions of her own, she behaves like a bratty teenager and torpedoes a hugely important Middle East peace process because a "naive", "selfish" gay activist hangs himself in a Russian jail cell. Note: kills himself. He was not murdered by the Russians, nor even badly treated, as he himself admits.

Up to that point the activist had already been painted in a fairly unfavorable light. Sure, he was a political pawn, but he had largely brought it on himself, and his ungrateful justifications and posturings towards Claire for their efforts to free him beggar belief. He refuses to leave on principle for all sorts of ridiculous reasons. He berates Claire for not getting the Russians who were captured along with him freed also. Is he a moron? Does he really think an American government could have that sort of influence over Russia?!?! He would rather make his case in court!! As if the Russian government would give him a pulpit to denounce them! Claire's responses to him are weak.

Firstly, why the Underwoods are in Russia. After a terrible first meeting in DC with the Russian President, they decide to go to Moscow to patch things up and to achieve something very concrete, important and hitherto elusive: progress on Middle East peace. Frank and Viktor reach a workable agreement, despite their suspicions of each other (this was the strongest part of the episode because we could understand where each side was coming from, without being judgmental). It only remained for the final press conference, beginning with Claire saying a few words about the activist's death. She reads the prepared speech, then pauses and turns to insult the Russian President publicly in his own country, thereby destroying all the potentially lifesaving, peace-bringing plans that had been agreed. Who is petulant and selfish now, Claire? Her self-justification to Francis afterwards was pathetic, and, thankfully, he exploded with rage - rightfully!

This is the second time Claire has deliberately sabotaged Francis, but, with the stakes so high this time, her behavior is unconscionable. It is impossible to take her political ambitions seriously anymore.

The whole logic of the episode is ridiculous, devoid of reality and credibility, which was this program's forte early on.
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