Review of Haphead

Haphead (2015)
Quite entertaining, actually
27 April 2015
Amazing how blasé we have become. If a film doesn't have the look and feel of a hundred million dollar movie we rate it low. In fact, this series should be rated as the low budget, high ambition film it is.

Let's start with the bad: some actors are not really all there and the production values are low. However, the story shows a dystopian future where people work in a more capitalist environment (wage slaves) but enjoy the benefits of technology like personal drones, instant food microwave heaters, screenless phones that transmit images directly into your eyes and - the main focus of the show - cables that can make you feel virtual reality and connect into your muscle memory, allowing you to learn new skills. Not "I know Kung-fu" style, but through accelerating learning in virtual environments. Add to this pervasive drone surveillance by insurance companies, young people who get amazing physical skills from the "hap" interface, bounty hunters, biohacking and you get an interesting universe, described just through story, acting and a 3D rabbit game.

I didn't expect much, so probably that is why I was impressed, but at the same time I can appreciate the effect of a film relative to the budget and I liked Haphead and I will be waiting for the second season.
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