Adormidera (2013)
Production value of a peasant
27 April 2015
There have been movies with limited budget which are pleasantly enjoyable, unfortunately Adormidera is not one of them. It has issues on the most fundamental aspects such as script, camera work and even sound mixing till the point that it's hard to invest on the movie at all. This resembles more of some friends making video in Renaissance fair than actual feature length movie.

Story follows five soldiers who survive the war. They are in their way home when they meet with several dubious characters who involve them in a power struggle. There is lack of clarity on the war mentioned, the main character uses heavy monologues, but ultimately doesn't explain much. The monologues are not only needlessly long and aplenty, they also create synchronization errors for most of the sound effects.

The sound is oddly out of tune from its visual. Some of the lines feel bizarre, but the worst is the sound effect of the surroundings. There are far too many times when the footstep, motion or even background noise feel simply muted or in much lower volume. Sadly, graphic doesn't fare much better with shaky and jittery cam.

Some of the scenes are shot very closely to the characters' faces, right zoomed in their foreheads or jaws. This starts off annoying and it becomes just silly as important sequences show only half face of the characters. The contrast between light and darkness is poor, creating indiscernible scenes as the story goes into nighttime. Also, the persistent problem of rumbling camera exists, but the movie takes it further as it accidentally shoots random objects or background.

Acting is subpar, most of the characters are overly zealous or simply uncomfortable. Maybe the lead role Andrei Claude is decent here, but as random extras interact with high pitch tone or wooden expression it's hard to take the plot seriously. Story is a vague endeavor, using war torn theme and damsel-in-distress female. It doesn't culminate well as the climatic fights are merely random brawls.

If the movie had some sort of solid production, it could have been a decent past time, but as it stands with multitude of basic flaws, Adormidera is nearly unbearable.
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