The Flash: The Trap (2015)
Season 1, Episode 20
Founding Member Of....
28 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We picked up exactly where we left off this week as Team Flash were investigating Gideon and Wells in their hope of finding out everything about the man they have trusted for so many months. The team played catch up with the audience as we basically know most of Well's scheme but they hadn't yet. I can now see why Barry is too stressed to even think of the troubles Oliver is going through, all of this heartbreaking information came at him at one time. I loved the tease of Flash being a founding member of the Justice League. The show-runners for both Flash and Arrow always give us great fan service. We then got a little Inception like with the lucid dreaming sequence. In fact Cisco referenced the film in yet another pop culture moment on the show. It was an interesting way to go about finding more about Wells, even if it was a little too easy to make. For times sake I guess they had to gloss over that a bit. But I also was confused as to why Cisco is the only person who is having the dreams/nightmares. Wouldn't Joe have them too at least? Throughout the episode we had hints about Wells' true feelings for the entire crew. I was glad to hear even when he was caught, he admitted that he has grown to love his team. Which is what I'm probably going to miss most about this season. It's very likely that we wont have Tom Cavanagh on the show next year, or at least not as a regular, and I feel that it will be a big gap in how well the show works. Knowing now that the team dynamic will forever be different was tough because of how great of a 20 episode run they have had. But I also don't want the writers to feel the need to write Cavanagh back in just for the sake of doing it. As long as it makes sense story wise, either way I will be okay with it. We also got the theme of marriage throughout, which I thought to be a little goofy and tonally off. Barry found out he's supposedly going to marry Iris and that all of a sudden Eddie wants to propose to her. I just didn't like that part of tonight, although I will say Candice Patton gave us a solid performance. She has often overacted or just had terrible material to work with. But she handled her emotional material well tonight and everything seemed great. That is until she found out Barry was the Flash by remembering a certain shock she felt when Barry was in a coma. To me, that was a pretty cheap way of her finding out. I feel like it wasn't a memorable enough moment. Wouldn't she just think it was a shock you sometimes get when you touch clothes or another persons hand? But as the final moments went down Gustin gave another great performance. Him and Amell really do damaged well. Speaking of damaged, Eddie is now in the clear about who Wells is and could possibly be headed to the dark side. Regardless, I think we are in for quite a ride these next few weeks. Side note: If you look closely at the newspaper from the future you can see that it says "The Flash, with help from GREEN Arrow, The Atom, and Hawkgirl, began fighting Reverse Flash". I mean how cool is that?? +Team catches up +Pop culture references and fan service +Surprisingly strong performance from Patton +Gustin kills it +Everyone is in the clear with Wells -The way Iris found out -Too easy to lucid dream 8.5/10
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