The Flash: The Trap (2015)
Season 1, Episode 20
It's A Trap!
29 April 2015
"The Trap" is an episode that now focuses more on the Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash case and does this unimaginably well. It creates a great mix of tension and emotion and drives Harrison Wells character to the utmost and downright menacing in this episode than previous ones.

What I particularly liked about this episode is that it focused more between discovering the secrets of Harrison Wells and confronting Harrison Wells himself. There was no generic meta-human villain this time and we got a fully fledged episode ready to set up more to come in these last few episodes. Overall the acting of the whole cast is great, although sometimes overacting (especially for Grant Gustin), it still proved to be convincing and hooked me into the episode. The plot, like what I said, now focuses and leans more on the Reverse Flash case and the way these characters find out more and more secrets, it became more and more intriguing to watch the episode. I couldn't remember a single time I took off my eyes off the screen, this episode glued me to my seat. The buildup to the climactic sequence which is, you probably might've guessed it already, "The Trap" was brilliant and I liked the pacing because it suited the way the episode ran (pun intended). I also liked that we were given some knowledge of these secrets and are bombarded by some easter eggs that MIGHT be crucial in the future (ehem ehem Justice League) (hopefully). Now as for the Climax, this proved to be one of the best climaxes the show has ever made right up top beside the "Out of Time" episode. The climax had the right mixture of being thrilling and it's so intense that it gets your heart racing real fast (pun intended again). I also particularly liked the flashbacks in the episode, and surprisingly. I ALSO LIKED THE IRIS FLASHBACK. It was a notable and touching scene that I was glad that it was shown in the episode and finally after these many episodes a decent development for her character has been made. The episode also has some decent action, excellent visuals as usual and an amazing music score to accompany it with. As for the flaws, they're practically the usual, the on and off Iris relationship thing going on between him and Barry becomes present in the episode again, although was shadowed by the said flashback that I surprisingly liked.

Overall, well done episode, well done Flash team, you've made such a complex and engaging show that pleases both comic fans and casual audiences alike. Here's hoping that the next few remaining episodes don't lose their speed (pun intended for the last time). +With an episode that focuses more on Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash, +A Menacing Harrison Wells, +Good performances, +An Intense Climax, +An episode that glues you to your seat, +Surprisingly liked the Iris flashback, +Action/Visuals/Musical Score -Barry and iris on and off relationship? (That hopefully ends when season one ends as well)

Verdict: 9.8/10
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