Detective Christian
1 May 2015
The Dr. Christian series that Jean Hersholt starred in for RKO Pictures came to an end with They Meet Again. As in the previous film Melody For Three it involves a musical prodigy. Young Anne Bennett is a road show version of Deanna Durbin who wants to represent River's End at the Minnesota State musical show. But young Anne has bigger problems, her widower father Barton Yarborough has been framed and convicted of embezzlement at the bank he works at. Of course he didn't do it otherwise Dr. Christian and staff wouldn't agree to help.

With Jean Hersholt going to St. Paul to see Governor Neil Hamilton for a conditional release Detective Christian with operatives Robert Baldwin and Dorothy Lovett go to work on seeing who did the deed. With a really clever ruse involving a singing telegram they flush out the real thief. And Baldwin is adept at worming evidence out of loose women to nail the perpetrator.

In the meantime young Ms. Bennett takes sick with one of those Hollywood maladies that Dr. Christian just calls a broken heart. He has his own problems trying to see Neil Hamilton.

Of course it all ends happily as these films do. But I have to say this one was the most maudlin of the Dr. Christian films I've seen and now I've seen them all.

I do hope Dorothy Lovett and Robert Baldwin eventually tied the knot, she waited for him long enough.
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