The Outer Limits: Lithia (1998)
Season 4, Episode 17
The Goddess Must Be Crazy
5 May 2015
It's 2055. Only women have survived the final, and biggest, war. We see a small farming community which also has teachers, and into this comes the other gender's extreme, thus contrasting and exploring their differences, strengths, weaknesses: a military man, Major Mercer(Keith, charming, determined) with working knowledge of engines and such awakens from 40 years of cryo-freeze. Different villagers react to him in distinct ways: one falls in love and wants to know more, one is completely against him, an elder one is reminded of her past, etc. But what will become of him? Can it even work, having such a group suddenly take in an outsider, simultaneously demonized and the subject of many imagined, distant scenarios?

This hits just the right balance. The conflict is neither cheesy nor vague. No one is purely the ideal they might be expected to be, every character has depth and is well-acted. And this doesn't off-handedly choose either side, rather, we see that a middle-ground may be the best solution, when this Bechdel-test-winner-by-design easily could have preached. Is more will-power needed in trade? Can his suggestions aid, or break, their ways... peaceful, yet marred by hardship? The storytelling and pace are swift: within mere minutes, the high concept(which could have come off as silly and contrived) is set up, then explained well without the exposition bogging things down(yes, sperm-banks). I was left to wonder why the pronunciation of only certain words had changed somewhat. There is tension, even some action in this. This is one of only episodes I've watched of either version of The Outer Limits, but, like the others, it fosters a desire to seek out more.

There is some disturbing content, sensuality and sexuality, as well as a little female nudity from behind(in the totally necessary and not gratuitous co-ed shower scene). I recommend this to any fan of science- and speculative, fiction. 8/10
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