The Twilight Zone: Caesar and Me (1964)
Season 5, Episode 28
Very entertaining for a short film, suspenseful with a bit of unintended humor.
5 May 2015
It's a short film, not a movie. And The Twilight Zone already did an episode called "The Dummy" where the ventriloquist does not know the dummy is alive and is much scarier than "Caesar and Me," but this episode used the same scary dummy, one of the creepiest dummies of all time. Also, my first time watching it was as child not an adult. Iv'e seen this episode numerous times and love it.

It's a simple plot but the actors and actresses make it great. In this episode, Jonathan (the ventriloquist played by Jackie Cooper, he is also the voice of Caesar) has trouble finding work as a ventriloquist and has trouble paying his rent and buying food. Whilst the landlord is very kind to Jonathan, she has a niece who is a complete brat and suspects the Dummy is really alive.

After Jonathan hocks his grandfather's watch and gets turned down for work, sinister Caesar talks him into stealing which Jonathan does not approve of but does it anyways. Jonathan Loves Caesar in the way he tries to take care of him and the way he talks to him, it's very funny. The whole short film is terrific and is easily a top 25 episode from Serling's Twilight Zone.
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