This is why I like I movies
5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't like this movie, there is something wrong with you! The advertisement says, "The most fun you'll have at the theaters this summer." They are right on the money. I had a blast! I don't go to movies to over-analyze and critique every little detail. I go to the movies to have fun. I love how they set this up on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and then the movie picks up right where the episode leaves off. I like that they had Robert Downey Jr. go back to being the charismatic, wisecracking Tony Stark that made the first Iron Man film so cool. The running gag with Captain America objecting to the rest of the crew using bad language was hilarious. The visual effects were amazing in 3-D. My favorite was the return of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Heli-carrier. Hawkeye having a wife and kids was a nice surprise. As far as the whining goes about Black Widow taking a back seat to the rest of the guys, I really didn't see it that way. The Avengers are a team. They fight together. I didn't really see any one Avenger in the movie outshining the rest of the group. While all the focus was on Widow, they completely forget about Wanda a.k.a. the Scarlet Witch. After Hawkeye's pep talk, she comes out blasting everything in sight, and earns herself a spot on the team. The swerve of Quicksilver sacrificing himself to save Hawkeye and the little boy was really well done. All movie long it kept looking like Hawkeye was the one that was going to die. James Spader was a great villain as the voice of Ultron. I would have toned down the comedy a little bit though. Some of his lines seemed out of place for an evil robot wanting to kill all mankind. I also liked that they started setting up the pieces for the next series of movies; Captain America:Civil War, Black Panther, Thor:Ragnarok, and Avengers:Infinity War.
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