Ashes (III) (2010)
Remarkable for the budget
5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really hate zombie movies but this movie is about the precursors to an outbreak. For the low budget it was made well enough. The writing was pretty good, it could have explained the aids drug the doctor was creating better and what his agreement with the hospital admin and government was, but I could overlook that part. I just took it as a super serum that might cure aids and the hospital and gov had some say into it as they usually do.

The silly part was that he was still making rounds instead being a full time researcher or that nurses and others were telling him to go home and get some sleep. He was treating patients when he probably would have been worrying full time on the new infection and trying to find a solution.

The budget did not allow a walking dead type ending so you need to use your imagination.
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