Inspector George Gently: Breathe in the Air (2015)
Season 7, Episode 2
Martin Shaw shows again he can select well-written material
6 May 2015
Inspector George Gently is a tremendous series and "Breathe in the Air" is a terrific episode. My only mild criticism is that Gently appears to be a politically correct figure from the 21st Century who has been transplanted back into the 1960's. It has to be said that Martin Shaw seems to know how to pick well-crafted and socially aware dramas after his previous sterling work in the mysteriously cancelled "Judge John Deed". There will be some who see this sort of writing as leftist corporation-bashing. They were probably the apologists for corporations who ….surprise,surprise…..seem to have virtually got away scot free with multiple financial scandals….apart from some trivial fines …. PPI, Libor & FX rigging, the 2008 debacle. Sadly I could go on. But, the programme is well acted, written, directed and produced. Something for the production team and the BBC to be very proud of.
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