Inspector George Gently: Breathe in the Air (2015)
Season 7, Episode 2
Gently with Improvement- A Well-Done Episode
7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What an excellent, top-notch episode this week! Much better than the last, with a really affecting plot and brilliant characterisation.

Unlike the previous episode, this one provides ample insight into the lives of the main characters as well as into the actual murder enquiry itself. Spinning the tale of a suicidal GP, Gently begins to investigate the goings on in a linings mill within the boundaries of Rachel's small hometown, where she and her friend Esther used to play until she died of cancer at fifteen years due to asbestos poisoning.

Also in this episode, we see the proposed promotion of both Bacchus and Coles to DI and DS, respectively, and some great moments between the pair, one of which has Coles becoming fed up with John griping over a splinter and her resorting to yanking it out with ol' fashioned tape.

The relationship between Bacchus and Gemma is also handled much more effectively this week, actually reading like a heart-felt goodbye between two grown people in their late thirties than a false promise made by a teenager.

Bacchus, while remaining his usual cock-sure self, is more tolerable and genuinely likable this week, played excellently by Ingleby, but the real star here is McGrillis, showing the sensitive, fragile side to Rachel's character extremely well. Shaw is out-shined by his two subordinates, they're that good, and I hope that if Bacchus does become our lead that the friendship between these two great characters will blossom fully.

Plus, we get a little moon landings easter egg among the mystery, making audience members such as myself- a landings nut- sing praises.

Heartfelt, well-written and executed brilliantly, this is what detective shows should be- top-notch, quality who-dunnits with well-done story-telling and great character development. Excellent- a huge improvement on last week!
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