Honeymooner (2010)
Recovering from a broken heart
8 May 2015
Fran (Gerard Kearns) thought he was heading for happiness. He could offer his fiancée love and a two bedroom flat in Kentish Town but she dumped him a month before the wedding. Although Fran might have had hopes she might see sense and come back to him he bumps into her with a new boyfriend.

He seeks solace with his friends who try to fix him up with other women but Fran is recovering from a broken heart.

This is a low budget independent film which is only about 70 minutes long. I like the idea of male centred film dealing with issues of a man being dumped and he is not cynical, bitter or angry about it rather just a little bit lost and forlorn.

Its gentle, not very funny although the fact that other women falling for him seemed a little hard to take.
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