Review of Piku

Piku (2015)
Piku is not a movie to be seen.. it's a movie to be experienced.. :)
9 May 2015
If you are looking to be a part of an endearing journey of a father and daughter, do watch this movie at the very earliest. If you are looking for make-up laden actors, designer costumes, over the top acting, actors bursting in a song & dance sequence at the drop of a hat, this movie is not for you.

Shoojit Sircar has once again made a film that touches a chord in each one of us, and entertains us at the same time. The movie revolves around the love-hate relationship of a daughter, with her father. Mostly love, and a very very slight hint of hate towards each others idiosyncrasies. I won't disclose the details of this beautiful story, but you know it's going to be a fun ride, when the most talked about topic in the entire movie is the bowel movements of the protagonist of the film, Mr Amitabh Bachchan :)

Kudos to the casting department, for choosing the finest actors in the industry. A movie like Piku reminds us of why Amitabh Bachchan, is Amitabh Bachchan!! He is an absolute delight to watch. I am tempted to say, his acting was impeccable..but that would not be doing him justice. Not once throughout the movie did i feel that he was 'acting' - it just felt so REAL, so relatable, so genuine, so simple! And i think that's the best compliment any actor can garner from the viewers. His expressions and mannerisms were so cute, that sometimes you just felt like leaping into the screen, and giving him a warm bear hug :D

This movie would not have been what it is, without two more of the finest actors from the current crop - the effervescent Deepika Padukone and the ever-so-versatile Irrfan Khan. They too were extremely natural - their look, dialogue delivery, emotions, expressions were all so real, you could actually feel what they were feeling.. their frustrations, their ire, their subtle chemistry, their happy moments and the quiet understanding and rapport they built over their journey from Delhi to Kolkata.. Deepika Padukone, as always, looked absolutely stunning, but this time sans the heavy make-up and blingy costumes.

Another thing that stood out for me in the movie was the absence of song and dance sequences. The songs played only as background scores and blended in beautifully with the story. The beautiful words and soulful music is definitely something you will carry with you, as you walk out the theatre.

Kudos to everyone who put this movie together - the artists, the director, the producers, the costume department, the make-up team, the set designers, the script writers, the music directors, the cinematographers :) Thank you for not just giving us a movie, but giving us an EXPERIENCE!! We sure enjoyed our time with the endearing Banerjee family :D

Go, watch! :)
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