Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
Beware those who lust for visual and audio will capture you entirely
9 May 2015
There are few moments in life when you get to drip and drool your eyes and ears at the same time, while your heart fights your soul reaching to understand and become a lover of evil. Rare are those moments. There may be many that do not share my perspective, nor do they taste my words and vision, but then again, I am sure that some are like me. Hungry to feel, to truly feel life, and thirsty for ambivalence, for the evil to have a good face and vice versa and more importantly to see that even flawed ones have a faith to preach and fulfil.

The story captures you entirely, it tenses your moral beliefs and makes you see a side of you which, in some cases, has never emerged, or, if it did, it will be like candy for children. The characters are immortal, at least the main cast. The way they can evolve is a tribute to the writer, director, producer and more importantly to them, as they go beyond themselves as individuals and become even more than a true character, they become immortal. Eva Green...was made for this role, or maybe the other way around... The historical aspect brings front characters of tales and stories, of mythological and biblical implications fluctuating the narrative line between the world of the living and that of the dead...or undead.

If the style of the above description matches your taste, you will most surely be enchanted by this series. If it does not...well, don't let my poor reenactment of the style be an obstacle in watching this truly magnificent piece of art.

It's more than a TV series, it's music, it's image, it's story. It's poetry.
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