The reborn of traditional animation and nostalgia
11 May 2015
I have to say I've never been so excited over a new movie being released. And for once it's not because of the story but because of the fact that its actually made. Does it make any sense? Well, I grew up with Bamse as every child grew up with Disneys. Now when I've grew older (around 18 now) I can only look back at the era of hand traditional animated movies. Since many years I have mourned the "end" of traditional animation since Disney switched to CGI. Time moves on, it always have been. Or?

Suddenly I hear about a Bamse movie being made, headed for the big screen in traditional animation with no other driving forces than creativity! Suddenly I live in the best of the worlds... Even money doesn't seem to matter - which is one of the reasons Disney quit with traditional animation. A sparkle of hope has been lit...

My point is that this movie has clearly not been made to tell the story of an epic adventure of our beloved bear, but to tell about our very beloved bear.

But this is a review, right?

So here are (in my opinion) the goodies and the baddies:

+ The nostalgia (have I mentioned it earlier? Oh yeah...) + That every character have an own voice + The animation, it's simply beautiful + The cute but important moral of the story, that friendship is whats most important

  • The lip syncing

  • it seems as the Taiwanese studio based the lips on an English dialog.

  • The story was pretty simple - nostalgia doesn't exclude an interesting story

  • The proportions of the characters - this is hardly noticeable, but the characters have a bit "cuter" design in this movie than the classic Bamse.

And here is the worst baddie of them all: that this movie wasn't made earlier!!!
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