A CMC Episode That Was So-So
15 May 2015
Like most Bronies, I have my own judgment on the episodes of this show. To me, "Appleoosa's Most Wanted" was so-so. It's probably not one of the best CMC centered episodes nor one of the greatest episodes Season 5 has to offer so far, but at least it's nowhere near as bad as "Somepony To Watch Over Me" from the previous season. This episode seem to borrow everything from "Birdie Gossip" with the concept of judging a pony before actually getting the know the pony, "Stare Master" with the CMC going out in the woods without an adult, and "Somepony To Watch Over Me" with Applejack being overprotective. The plot and the story could've used more work, but the acting was all right.

All in all, I'd say this episode is worth watching only once.
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