Review of The Trap

Planet of the Apes: The Trap (1974)
Season 1, Episode 3
Two Enemies but only one choice until further notice.
16 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yes upon an earth quake's resulting in Burke's and Urko's only hope for survival that they must work together.

Earlier what lead Urko to find Burke was that upon leaving the home of that Human Family and Urko in response to another gorilla's query of how he knew they lied that you just always know that humans are lying.Then he said"I'll have to remember that."But upon being trapped underground when Burke tells Urko a story of how humans with a telephone could call average distances Urko didn't like hearing that and so Burke then changed it from real human history to fake ape history.He Saw The Zoo sign of The Gorilla in the cage but still hoped to distract Urko from seeing it but with no luck.When Virdon,Galen,and that other superior gorilla soldier and the other gorillas showed up right above and Virdon used Morse code tapping on the Beam to ask Urko's Wife's name and he said Ulda and then Burke relayed that message right after that when Urko was about to show Burke The Poster that he couldn't distract him from seeing he then Said "So I Lied."Then he said to him."Listen Urko I lied to you just to keep you from getting mad at me so that I could continue to help you to get out of here,you find out I'm lying and you still get mad at me.Now listen Urko because you didn't want to know the truth that my ancestors were a superior race to your ancestors who were an inferior race "Then Urko used his knife Burke planned it go straight into the socket of the solar powered lamp of , Then lo and behold it did and part of the agreement was fulfilled that not just that they'd be set free Burke was then pulled out after Urko but he also told how Urko needed help immediately and so after going unconscious but knowing then that he put his knife into the bulb of the solar lamp which when he was made almost all the way unconscious Then Burke got pulled out and Virdon said "You said you'd set us free."After Urko was being taken away on a rolling bed"Then that gorilla had said upon answer to one of the other soldiers "I'll take care of the execution and took them around the corner and shot his rifle 3 times and then said "No Bargains with humans but I gave my word,go before I change my mind."Then he looked at the Zoo Poster of the Gorilla in the cage and The children looking at him so then upon doing so he ripped it up.While Galen and Virdon had Burke resting upon their shoulders to hold him steady while he'd walk between them. As some's review put this as being the best episode I might put it instead as the 2nd best and The deception as The best of which if you check it out you may agree too for it being about the Lady ape who's blind and of which has sentimental value.4/13/2020 Just yesterday somewhere I noticed how someone pointed out in this trap episode a dog running through just like in the first episode in which a boy ape has a pet dog.As Said someone didn't do their homework but As I also had I pointed out before as they showed in a Pota comic by Malibu Graphics an explanation of a pack of Wolves that were picked up by a bubble and brought back after the plague.So for these dogs being another bread they were picked up and dropped off by another bubble.

Truly,Stephen "Steve" G. Baer a.k.a. "Ste" of Framingham,Ma.USA
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