Solid caper/thriller with Tommy Lee Jones and Linda Hamilton
20 May 2015
In "Black Moon Rising" (1986) Tommy Lee Jones plays a professional thief hired by the FBI to apprehend a data tape to incriminate a questionable company. Oddly enough, once he gets the tape he's forced to hide it on a prototype supercar, which is stolen by a woman (Linda Hamilton) who works for a professional car-theft ring led by a character played by Robert Vaughn. Richard Jaeckel plays the inventor of the supercar and Bubba Smith an intimidating FBI official.

While the film was written and produced by John Carpenter and features the stars noted above, the budget was limited, which is evident in a few areas. For instance, the supercar -- named Black Moon --looks rather cheesy, although I'm sure it looked neato futuristic in the mid-80s. Nevertheless the outlandish story keeps your attention, particularly the interesting caper in the third act, borrowing elements of other 80's films/shows like James Bond, "Beverly Hills Cop" (1984), Knight Rider and "Terminator" (1984). Hamilton is likable as always, but the feminine eye candy is limited to her and she's too thin for my tastes. Still, you can't go wrong with Linda.

The film runs 100 minutes and was shot in Lancaster, Hollywood and Los Angeles, California.

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