Zombeavers (2014)
Just Sit Back and Don't Take It Too Serious
23 May 2015
Zombeavers (2014)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Three girlfriends travel out to the Indiana woods for a relaxing weekend in a cabin. They plan to layout by the lake on the property but what they don't know is that some toxic waste has fallen into the waters and has been eaten by the local beavers. Soon the mutant beavers start to attack the friends.

Obviously with a title like ZOMBEAVERS this isn't a film to take too serious and thankfully the filmmakers didn't take it too serious either. Look, if you're watching a film like this then you already know what you're going to get. This is a "B" movie that has a pretty silly plot, decent acting and plenty of gore death scenes. The movie is clearly meant to be "fun" and it doesn't got for too many scares, although there's no question that this is basically NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD only with beavers instead. The film at least keeps its running time low (77-minutes) and manages to be fun for the most part.

What I enjoyed most about the picture is its silly charm. The idea of mutant beavers is silly and the film doesn't try to make any political statement or try to throw some Global Warning jump down our throats. The film's goal is to make you laugh and there are many funny moments. The actual look of the beavers was quite funny and I thought the attack sequences were good as well. There's plenty of gore and goo going around including various beavers being ripped, beaten and bashed apart. There's plenty of human flesh being ripped up as well as one scene that will leave guys screaming and turning their heads.

Another great thing about the picture is that it constantly leaves you off guard and it's willing to not follow the typical horror film rules. We're introduced to the characters and their "attitudes" early on and if you've seen enough horror movies then you know the types that live and dies. This film breaks away from your typical rules, which is another plus. I will say that the film probably would have benefited with less of the personal human drama and went for more beaver attacks. Still, ZOMBEAVERS is a charming little gem that isn't perfect but then again it's not trying to be.
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