Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation: Part One (1978)
Season 16, Episode 1
Messily written Tom Baker adventure
24 May 2015
Review of the Complete Story:

THE RIBOS OPERATION is one of the lesser Tom Baker Dr Who outings. The strength of these serials lies entirely in the calibre of the writing, which just isn't up to scratch here. The story is set on another alien planet, where various factions are competing for possession of a valuable mineral; unlike the Italian and medieval stories found elsewhere in this series, there's a distinctly Russian influence on this planet which has a chilly atmosphere all of its own.

The back-and-forth of the narrative is rather complicated - needlessly, I might add - and lesser than the sum of its parts; come the end, you wonder what exactly has been going on. The only thing the tale has going for it is an outstanding performance from Iain Cuthbertson who plays a larger than life lovable rogue, an outer space salesman if you will, who dominates the screen with his strength of personality.

Baker is on typically good form here, butting heads with his new assistant, the imperious Romana (thankfully her character would be softened in subsequent serials). K9 always makes for a welcome presence, and there's some extra intrigue in that this is the first in the 'Key to Time' six-part serial featuring a mysterious guardian character. It's just a shame that the main story is so ordinary, enlivened only by a very silly dragon-type creature.
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