Lesser Short from Lucas
25 May 2015
Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town (1967)

** (out of 4)

When George Lucas returned to USC after graduating he made two shorts. The documentary THE EMPEROR and this one here, which was actually the school's first student film to be shot in color and widescreen. Sadly, it's also the weakest short that Lucas had done up to this point. It's based on the E.E. Cummings poem and pretty much shows a man and a woman wondering around the country side. The short runs just 6-minutes, which is certainly a positive thing. The film is pretty to look at and it contains some nice cinematography but whatever plot the director was trying to get across doesn't happen. In fact, the film really doesn't come across as being about anything so it's up to the viewer to just come up with anything. I'm not certain that was the point of Lucas so in the end this is certainly the weakest of his short films.
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