Kung Fury (2015)
Absolute nonsense, in the best kind of way.
28 May 2015
Kung Fury is about a kung fu cop from 1985 who goes back in time to find Thor who then helps him go forward in time to fight Hitler and the Nazis. Does that make any sense? NO?! Good, now you're starting to get it. This is a collection of 80's clichés and culture but the dial was turned up to 11 and just broke.

You ever play Far Cry: Blood Dragon? These guys did, and it inspired them to make a short film. Its kind of like a love letter to the silliness of 1980's American culture with a Swedish twist. To put it this way, do you like the 80's? Do you like cheesy schlock? Do you like neon pink lights? If so, then this is definitely worth your time.
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