Kung Fury (2015)
So epic it hurts!
29 May 2015
This is an epic movie. So epic it hurts. It is well produced and you can really feel that it's a genuine dream project of the creator. The pacing works brilliantly, the soundtrack fits perfect with the action and theme, and the special effects is really high class.

Awesome in everything and just simply a great ride! It has laser shooting dinosaurs, kung fu, Vikings with guns, time travel, a Norse god, Adolf Hitler as villain etcetera etcetera. It is plus size extra everything crammed into 30 minutes. It's like riding a roller-coaster of 80s entertainment with everything from street fighter style fighting to a 80s flying credits. Plus, the director/writer/lead actor David Sandberg is strikingly attractive and works really well as the star Kung Fury. Good looking and bad-ass – what more do you need?

You think this review is over the top? Well so is the movie. This movie turned me from a 30- something movie critic into a little fan boy.
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