The Fugitive: Fun and Games and Party Favors (1965)
Season 2, Episode 19
1/26/65 "Fun and Games and Party Favors"
30 May 2015
The title says it all. Kimble has a comparatively cushy job as a chauffeur for a well off family "in the Hills above Los Angeles". His situation gets more complicated when the parents leave the house for a high class party and leave Kimble to chaperone a lower class party given by their rebellious daughter. The party gets crashed by her rejected boyfriend and his rough friends who wreck the place and crash her bed room, (rape is strongly implied). Kimble is reluctant to call the police but the pool boy, who loves the daughter, calls them, making things very tight for our hero.

The back-story is that the mother is very ambitious and has her husband going around to various parties to "meet the right people". He thinks the rejected suitor of her daughter is also "the right people" and would be a good match because he comes from a prominent family, even though her daughter knows he's a jerk. Both her husband and the pool boy are reluctant to stand up to her. The daughter is also very willful. She's rebelling against Mommy by planning to elope with the pool boy, who doesn't want to do it that way. A pretty good story but Kimble is mostly on the sidelines

The rejected boyfriend knows who he is, thanks to his "strange hobby" of collecting newspaper articles about criminals. He has pictures of them on his walls, oddly including a shot of Stalin and Malenkov. Some may regard them as criminals but they are obviously not of the Kimble ilk. The suitor played by an actor named Anthony Call, who resembles Russell Johnson, the Professor on "Gilligan's Island", (but isn't as good an actor). Peter Deuel is the most brutish of his gang. Five years later he achieved stardom in "Alias Smith and Jones", (he spelled his name "Duel" by then), and then shot himself in a fit of depression. Mark Goddard of "Lost in Space" plays the "nice guy with no prospects" pool boy. Katherine Crawford, the daughter of Roy Huggins the creator of this show, is the daughter. She greatly resembles a blonde Pamela Tiffin.

Per Ed Robertson's book, Producer Alan Armer told him "We were terribly over-budget at that time. I think that was the only show we shot in 6 days, trying to save a little money. It shows, I guess." I'm guessing it was filmed and around the house of one of the show's executives to save money. The police car shown doesn't even have anything written on it. It's just black and white with a flashing light on it.
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