Sonic Heroes (2003 Video Game)
The best video game ever!
31 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't give a toss on what people saying this is a crap game, its bloody brilliant like! The voice actors rocked as usual, the storyline was spot on and of course, the soundtrack just is completely epic! It was in fact hard near the end, whereas you had to defeat Eggman in his destructible robot form. I wish Super Sonic made that transformation at that time because I kept falling off the edges and it doesn't really whatever team you're playing as, you would still fail.

Thanks to youtube years later, I finally found out how to destroy him and managed to find out what happened in the end in each teams.

I have to say the graphics, scenery views and imagery were fantastic. I find this game is pretty much like the games after that. Like SEGA probably copied it for the other games for example:- Sonic Generations,Sonic Colours, Sonic Riders, Sonic Unleashed and Sonic:Lost World. That's why in my opinion, were successful! I just will love this game forever, it was part of my childhood, hands down! <3
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