Hot Bench (2014– )
you're kidding
1 June 2015
This is a court? the judges are from SNL right? Three of the most hysterical people you'll ever want to meet. You can't take this seriously. An African American woman and a blonde against one single male make decisions. What they say is a joke. Can't believe Judge Judy is behind this. Always thought Judy was smart and knew better. But these three bimbos should have their own comedy show. Wait, they do. And it's called Hot Bench. Ha ha. Are three judges on a case legal? I know in the military courts it is but never heard of a three-man (excuse me one man,two women) before. However, it's an amusing way to waste an hour in the morning. And what's with the blonde judge's accent? Brooklyn? Queens? Sort of a female Archie Bunker. The lone male judge seems a bigoted idiot and sounds stupid in his arguments. When the three get together after not too much interrogation is where the comedy begins in their reasoning with each other. Right out of a Marx Brothers movie. Only the Marx Brothers were talented. Do these three have degrees? Hard to believe. Upon seeing the Three Stooges Judge program a second time, I still cannot believe they are still on the air. Judge Judy, please get them off for the sanity of all of us. And what's with a judge looking like some grade B Hollywood blonde wannabe. She is ugly and badly needs to get her GD hair out of her face. This is a court of law not some runway model show, although honey, you ain't no model. The African American lady only one with any class. Too bad she is outshone by the bimbo and male idiot. The male judge likes center stage and talks like some reject from Queens. The male and bimbo are the worst ever to look at and hear. Judy get rid them for all of us. Let the news continue without this comedy of judges.
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