Manages to somewhat return the Jurassic Park series to it's former glory, but its still a few notches below Spielberg's first two entries in the series.
4 June 2015
Modernized and polished entry to the Jurassic Park series picks up 22 years after the original Steven Spielberg SyFy thriller with a fully functional prehistoric amusement park that is trying to pick up their attendance numbers by splicing the DNA of their animals in order to create a new attraction to bring in more customers. With this, they manage to create a dinosaur that is much bigger that the signature T-Rex but also much more aggressive, much smarter and much more territorial as well. So of course it does not take much time for this thing to break out of it's habitat to cause death and destruction in it's wake. It's then up to park consultant Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and company to stop this mega dinosaur from killing everyone on the island.

While the set up is predictable as well as it's outcome, the movie still provides a fun two hours of distraction. The problem is however is that outside of Chris Pratt, whose playing an intelligent variation of his swagger character from " Guardians" No one in this movie is very interesting or likable with the slight exception of Vincent D'Onofrio, who can read a phone book and make it interesting. The script is cringe worthy in a lot of places and while technology has come very far from the original, good storytelling is far and few between. "Jurassic World" still does manage to offer a lot of scary moments of sheer terror and does provide some comic relief, which is a huge step up from the last movie of the series(Jurassic Park 3)but does not have the genuine spectacle and heart that drove Steven Spielberg's first two movies in the series (The original Jurassic Park and The Lost World : Jurassic Park).

All and all, it's a decent ride that somewhat redeems the Jurassic Park series but they need shoot higher next time other than just be a decent follow up.
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