Fishing Naked (2015)
A fair review of the film
4 June 2015
I watched this film with my family. My grandma laughed, my sister laughed, my mom laugh. This comedy reached a multi-generational audience. It's a cute film, with of course some hiccups, but that's to be expected when trying to do a film of this scale with an independent budget. With that being said, the cinematography was beautiful. You could tell the director spent a lot of money trying to give it a big budget feel. The acting was all great. Was especially surprised with some of the minor characters. My favorite scenes were with Grandma and Art, they brought a subtle realism to the movie.

I'd say this film is like "Roger Rabbit meets Dude where's my Car meets Smoke Signals"

If you're looking for a lighthearted film, that has heart, silly humor, and mischief; then go watch this film. If you're going to dissect every bit of it, be disappointed that there wasn't anyone actually naked, and watch it like it should be nominated for the Oscars; then I would say find a different film to watch.

All in all for an independent comedy/romance, the filmmakers did a good job and I look forward to seeing what they can do in the future.
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