Review of LOL:-)

LOL:-) (2011– )
Holy Crap This Sucks!
7 June 2015
I thought it was a U.S. sketch show import that was airing on the Comedy Network in Canada but now that I have come on here I see that it is Canadian (French Canadian to be exact) and I am not surprised at all by that fact, in fact it explains so much as to why this show sucks so hard because Canadian networks have a history of producing really very bad comedy shows (and burying/canceling any good ones that pop up at least ever since Kids in the Hall or Corner Gas was pretty good too if you're into that kind of humor). It's very sad that something like this is on TV.

Decent enough premise of short skits that all have no dialogue but the problem is they forgot to make any of them funny--- like ANY of them! Every single thing I've seen in six episodes, and that's a lot of stuff considering how short the skits are, has been eye roll inducing it is all so awful.

A woman needs a light by the pool so the guy starts pulling stuff out of his shorts which couldn't possibly fit. Hilarious right? So hilarious it just kept going on and on. That's the pinnacle of funny on this show.

Huge pass. I give it a 2 because it's not as bad as some other Canadian TV comedies.
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