Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy (2015)
Season 5, Episode 10
Neglecting good story telling in lieu of shocking audiences.
15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, ending a season full of disappointment and poor characterization, was the final nail in a coffin for me. Inside of that coffin lay some of the greatest books ever written, some of the greatest characters I've ever been introduced to, and any hopes that the remaining seasons of this show will be worth watching.

David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they are not interested in telling the story of the ASoIaF books the way they were meant to be told, but are instead interested in creating a story that shocks and saddens audiences, while continuing to prove, time and time again, the the good guys will never win, nor is there even any hope that they will.

This episode left viewers with multiple cliffhangers and almost no stories resolved, or even in a position to be resolved. Mother's Mercy was the last chance for season 5 to actually tell a coherent story, and I think it failed miserably. The season finale rendered so many plot lines in the story completely irrelevant. Sansa, Stannis, Dorne as a whole, Littlefinger. All of these story lines saw no real resolution. Only shocks, twists, and untimely deaths.

Sansa was basically ditched in Winterfell, and all season, viewers were left wondering how she would prevail, and grow stronger as a character. Instead, all we saw was Sansa in the same position she has been in since season 1, playing the role of the victim, scared and alone in a place where she has no friends. Oh, and don't forget the scene where her virginity is taken from her in a completely unnecessary rape scene whose only purpose was to shock and anger audiences.

Stannis, one of, if not the greatest tactician and military commander in the Game of Thrones world, was defeated and presumably killed in the most unspectacular fashion imaginable, by a lone soldier that vowed multiple times in the series to kill him. How convenient and disappointing. Brienne, after gazing longingly at Winterfell for 8 episodes, finally just happens to run into the one person in the entire world that she wants to kill to avenge her old love. I thought maybe, just maybe, there would be a perfect scene in which Brienne finally fulfills the oath she swore to Catelyn Stark. She would rescue Sansa, and even Theon, face off against Roose or Ramsay Bolton, destroy them and their plot armor that has let them become seemingly unkillable villains, and we would finally see one story line resolve itself happily.

I can say almost certainly that I will not be huddled around my television when season 6 premieres, and I suspect many others feel the same as I do. D&D should be ashamed of the travesty that they've created and allowed to be aired on television.
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