Worthy Sequel To One Of The Greatest Films Ever Made
15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start this by stating how much of a die hard fan I am of 'Jurassic Park', I love that film, always have, always will. 'The Lost World' is a worthy followup, but at the same time lost the panache the first one had, as for the third entry, I'll overlook it because it just got too silly for my liking... anyway, on to 'Jurassic World'. First of all, the positives outweigh the negatives by far, so to start I shall begin with the flaws. 'Jurassic World' near enough scraps the use of animatronics that made the original films so realistic in comparison and instead overuses CGI, but that aside the visual effects are stunning. And the story, well, it's a little too far-fetched to say the least, but not to the point where it's completely ridiculous, just enough for you to have a laugh but still enjoy it nonetheless. Trevorrow's direction, Pratt's acting and Giacchino's score are all superb, and these combined make the film a worthy watch. The film perfectly blends drama, emotion and action, and when I say action, I mean full-on awe- inspiring action. The closing battle is just rife with intensity, to the extent that I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat in the cinema, it was perfectly choreographed (if maybe a tad predictable) but my heart was racing, I hadn't felt that excited with a film's conclusion for a long time. All-in-all, it's a well- executed and beautifully-crafted sequel, but will never outdo the original, the best 'Jurassic Park', but a second spot grab? I think so.
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